This type of file contains sprites and animation data.

File list

  • .\Game\Data\Animations\*
  • .\Game\Data\Characters\*



struct file_header
for (file_header.nb_sprites) {
    struct sprite_header
    data   sprite
struct profiles_header
for (profiles_header.nb_profiles) {
    struct profile
    for (profile.nb_animations * profile.nb_perspective) {
            struct animation
            for (animation.nb_frames) {
                struct frame

File Header

+ 0x00:    VERSION     [WORD]
+ 0x02:    NB_SPRITES  [WORD]      // number of sprites
+ 0x04:    PADDING     [WORD]      // NOT USED
+ 0x06:    MAX_WIDTH   [WORD]      // max width of all sprites
+ 0x08:    MAX_HEIGHT  [WORD]      // max height of all sprites
+ 0x0a:    PADDING     [BYTE] * 20 // NOT USED
  • Size of Header : 0x1E
  • VERSION must be equal to 0x200

Sprite Header

+ 0x00:    SIZE        [DWORD]  // offset to next sprite
+ 0x04:    WIDTH       [WORD]   // width of the sprite (pixel)
+ 0x06:    HEIGHT      [WORD]   // height of the sprite (pixel)
+ 0x08:    PADDING     [WORD]   // NOT USED
+ 0x0a:    SPRITE_DATA [BYTE] * SIZE


The size of each row must be rounded up to a multiple of 4 bytes (a 32-bit DWORD) by padding

Sprite Data

For every row (height) in the sprite:

+ 0x02:    NB_TOTAL_PIXELS        [WORD]

If NB_TOTAL_PIXELS (int16_t) is -1, the whole line is transparent (color for transparent is 0x7C0 or 0x1F). If NB_TOTAL_PIXELS > -1, fill the first NB_TRANSPARENT_PIXELS pixels with transparent. Read 2 byte long pixels (R5G6B5) for NB_TOTAL_PIXELS times. Fill the remaining pixels (according to the sprite header’s width) with transparent.

Profiles Header

+ 0x00:    NB_PROFILES [WORD]   // number of profiles


+ 0x00:    NAME              [BYTE] * 32  // profile name
+ 0x20:    NB_PERSPECTIVES   [WORD]       // number of perspectives the profile can be shown in
+ 0x22:    PADDING           [BYTE] * 32
+ 0x42:    NB_ANIMATIONS     [WORD]       // number of animations available for the profile
+ 0x44:    PADDING           [BYTE] * 16
+ 0x54:    MAX_WIDTH         [WORD]
+ 0x56:    MAX_HEIGHT        [WORD]
+ 0x58:    COORDINATE_X      [DWORD]
+ 0x5C:    COORDINATE_Y      [DWORD]
+ 0x60:    PADDING           [BYTE] * 20
  • Size of Profile : 0x74


+ 0x00:    PADDING           [BYTE] * 4
+ 0x04:    NB_FRAMES         [WORD]
+ 0x06:    UNKNOWN0          [WORD]  // latest frame?
+ 0x08:    PADDING           [WORD]
+ 0x0a:    COORDINATE_X      [DWORD]
+ 0x0e:    COORDINATE_Y      [DWORD]
+ 0x12:    PERSPECTIVE_ID    [WORD]
+ 0x14:    ANIMATION_ID      [WORD]
+ 0x16:    ANIMATION_NAME    [BYTE] * 32
  • Size of Animation : 0x36

UNKNOWN0, COORDINATE_X, COORDINATE_Y don’t seem to have any impact.


First byte of ANIMATION_NAME seems to always be 0x20 (SPACE) and can be ignored (old storage of the max length?). Please note that animations are referenced by their ID not their name.


+ 0x00:    SPRITE_ID         [WORD]
+ 0x02:    DURATION          [WORD]
+ 0x04:    DISTANCE          [WORD]
+ 0x06:    COORDINATE_X      [WORD]
+ 0x08:    COORDINATE_Y      [WORD]
+ 0x0a:    SOUND_EFFECT      [WORD]
+ 0x0c:    PADDING           [WORD]
  • Size of Frame : 0x0E

DURATION is the time until the next frame is shown. This seems to be a multiple of 1/30 seconds.

DISTANCE is the distance the object covers while the animation displays the frame, 0 being the lowest distance, scaling upwards linear (might be a pixel unit or something arbitrary).

COORDINATE_X and COORDINATE_Y is the relative position between the object and the frame. Different frames from one animation have different sizes so to keep the object in the frames centered the position must be adjusted by COORDINATE_X in X direction and COORDINATE_Y in Y direction.

When the frame is displayed and the SOUND_EFFECT contains a valid sound effect ID (id is not null), the sound effect will be played. The sound can be found in the folder data\\sounds\\fx_XXXX.wav, where XXXX is the decimal value of SOUND_EFFECT.


The file from the demo version demo\data\animations\level00_rodeo.dvf is used as an example.

  • Extract all frames to BMP format in the output direcetory /tmp/bmp_out/:
$ mkdir /tmp/bmp_out
$ odv_files_test -t dvf -e -o /tmp/bmp_out/ /tmp/level00_rodeo.dvf
[+] odv_dvf_open = /tmp/level00_rodeo.dvf
  • Display all extracted informations to the standard output:
$ odv_files_test -t dvf -i /tmp/bmp_out/ /tmp/level00_rodeo.dvf
[+] odv_dvf_open = /tmp/level00_rodeo.dvf
    [Profile #0 information]
    + name            : L00 Rodeo
    + nb_perspectives : 0x0001
    + nb_animations   : 0x0003
    + max_width       : 0x006D (109)
    + max_height      : 0x0066 (102)
    + coordinate_x    : 0.000000
    + coordinate_y    : 0.000000
        [Animation #0 information]
        + nb_frames      : 0x0001
        [Animation #2 information]
        + nb_frames      : 0x0024
        + unk_word_00    : 0x0023
        + unk_word_01    : 0x0000
        + coordinate_x   : 0.000000
        + coordinate_y   : 0.000000
        + perspective_id : 0x0000
        + animation_id   : 0x00A1
        + animation_name : Ejection
            [Frame #14 information]
            + sprite_id    : 0x003C
            + duration     : 0x0001
            + distance     : 0x0000
            + coordinate_x : 86.000000
            + coordinate_y : 63.000000
            + sound_id     : 0x0599 (1433)
            + unused_00    : 0x0000

Extracted BMP file associated with the profile 0 (L00 Rodeo), animation 2 (Ejection), Frame 14:

../_images/L00 Rodeo_Ejection_0014.bmp

L00 Rodeo_Ejection_0014.bmp

The sound file (sound_id) associated with this frame (Frame 14 of animation 2 (Ejection)) is demo\data\sounds\fx_1433.wav:

  • Generate an animated GIF image for the profile 0 (L00 Rodeo), animation 1 (Rodeo 01):
$ convert -delay 1x60 -loop 0 'L00 Rodeo_Rodeo 01_*.bmp' Rodeo.gif
