
Files with extension *.res contains dialogs, buttons, cursors, etc… stored in different ways.

File list

Filename md5sum
data/sounds/expressions/expressions.res dc45e9538a6ac4683e2c66b071fe6fd7
demo/data/interface/default.res 864dba4dc53ddac85220917e2ebac55b
localisation/dutch/data/interface/default.res 64301d08b0070910b9a5f5f8a1f1ff06
localisation/dutch/data/interface/texts.res 896d15c6d65f135b53405074de0065aa
localisation/english/data/interface/default.res 3c18108ac7ba9576cd09d82c340a4fe6
localisation/english/data/interface/texts.res db21118e7be568573a8fd377082daafe
localisation/french/data/interface/default.res ff8bbdf8ac39f472e92d1392a405f375
localisation/french/data/interface/texts.res c5debbfee1600aa8c907bedbf1956328
localisation/german/data/interface/default.res e919510da87df778777dec8949221aff
localisation/german/data/interface/texts.res 8a26a38d24821ec6b9ac52b15b7f79b7
localisation/german/data/sounds/expressions/expressions.res 71a0b5c0dcb497725e20442717333b93
localisation/italian/data/interface/default.res 60243c5fb1cea1bf45353905d6be0b53
localisation/italian/data/interface/texts.res 0ca98c08de8ee12813b02bc75ca6e994
localisation/italian/data/sounds/expressions/expressions.res dc45e9538a6ac4683e2c66b071fe6fd7
localisation/russian/data/interface/default.res cf450d0dec042decbf5bdec481d65781
localisation/russian/data/interface/texts.res 5194c687f948f84abdc0a00206727670
localisation/russian/data/sounds/expressions/expressions.res dc45e9538a6ac4683e2c66b071fe6fd7
localisation/spanish/data/interface/default.res 80d9111473d8495eb53aef3177e1b54e
localisation/spanish/data/interface/texts.res b366f0cc3ad42403708a9ba48a864e22
localisation/spanish/data/sounds/expressions/expressions.res dc45e9538a6ac4683e2c66b071fe6fd7
localisation_demo/french/data/interface/default.res ea0851031814436d4c80f1bc681c00e8
localisation_demo/french/data/interface/texts.res f3d43779f1c895ba0c84f11d6b12c44e
localisation_demo/german/data/interface/default.res 158e699a55746727f8b5cd7dda7df3df
localisation_demo/german/data/interface/texts.res 66c475f0f2b9e0ab2b734802dca44144
localisation_demo/spanish/data/interface/default.res c4238b4eb99186d543451bdfe033dcea
localisation_demo/spanish/data/interface/texts.res 76905fad96f264a9d8e6947245477869


This file contains only ‘TEXT’ & ‘WAVE’


This file contains only ‘WAVE’


This file contains ‘SLID’, ‘TEXT’, ‘NPTF’, ‘BTTN’, ‘WAVE’, ‘TOGL’, ‘CUR ‘, ‘RDO ‘, ‘PIC ‘, ‘PICC’



struct file_header
for (file_header.nb_type_entry) {
    struct resource_type_entry

File Header

+ 0x00:    SIGNATURE                  [DWORD]
+ 0x04:    VERSION                    [DWORD]
+ 0x08:    NB_TYPE_ENTRY              [DWORD]

The header is followed by different type entries

  • Size of Header : 0x0C
  • SIGNATURE must be equal to “SERS” (0x53455253)
  • VERSION must be equal to 0x100

Resource Type Entry

+ 0x04:    ID_RESOURCE                [DWORD]

Resource Type Signature

Signature Description Type
0x45564157 (‘EVAW’) Wave table resource ‘WAVE’
0x43434950 (‘CCIP’) Picture collection resource ‘PICC’
0x44494C53 (‘DILS’) Slider resource ‘SLID’
0x20525543 (’ RUC’) Mouse resource ‘CUR ‘
0x20434950 (’ CIP’) Picture resource ‘PIC ‘
0x204F4452 (’ ODR’) Radio resource ‘RDO ‘
0x4E545442 (‘NTTB’) Button resource ‘BTTN’
0x4654504E (‘FTPN’) Input field resource ‘NPTF’
0x4C474F54 (‘LGOT’) Toggle button resource ‘TOGL’
0x54584554 (‘TXET’) String table resource ‘TEXT’


Resource Header

+ 0x00:    PADDING_00      [DWORD] // unused
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY        [WORD]

Entries are path to WAV file in this format:

+ 0x00:    LENGTH          [WORD]
+ 0x02:    PATH_STR        [BYTE] * LENGTH

Example (Expressions.res)

00000000  53 52 45 53 00 01 00 00 33 00 00 00 57 41 56 45  SRES....3...WAVE
00000010  00 00 00 04 01 00 00 00 0C 00 14 00 5C 44 56 49  ............\DVI
00000020  5F 58 43 54 30 31 45 30 30 56 30 31 2E 77 61 76  _XCT01E00V01.wav
00000030  14 00 5C 44 56 49 5F 58 43 54 30 31 45 30 31 56  ..\DVI_XCT01E01V
  • Signature Resource Type = 0x45564157
  • Index = 0x4000000 (67108864)
  • UNK_DWORD_00 = 0x01
  • Number of entry = 0x000C (12)
  • First Entry length = 0x0014 (20)
  • First Entry path = “\DVI_XCT01E00V01.wav”
  • Second Entry length = 0x0014 (20)
  • Second Entry path = “\DVI_XCT01E01V……”


Resource Header

+ 0x00:    FLAG            [DWORD]
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY        [DWORD]

Entries are image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format


Resource Header

+ 0x00:    FLAG            [DWORD]
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY_BIT    [DWORD]

Nb entry of image is the number of bit (max 6 bits) to 1 stored in NB_ENTRY_BIT.

nbentry = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    if ((1 << i) & NB_ENTRY_BIT)

Entries are image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format

‘CUR ‘

Contains all CURSOR

Resource Header

+ 0x00:    PADDING_00                       [DWORD]   // unused
+ 0x04:    TICK_COUNT_REDRAW                [WORD]
+ 0x06:    HIT_POINT_Y                      [WORD]
+ 0x08:    HIT_POINT_X                      [WORD]
+ 0x0A:    TICK_COUNT_REDRAW_PER_IMAGE      [WORD]   /* IF NB_ENTRY > 1 */
+ 0x0C:    NB_ENTRY                         [DWORD]

Entries are image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format

‘PIC ‘

Resource Header

+ 0x00:    FLAG         [DWORD]

One entry is an image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format

‘RDO ‘

Ressource for RADIO button img (it’s used in Sound menu option for volume choice).

Resource Header

+ 0x00:    FLAG            [DWORD]
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY_BIT    [DWORD]

Nb entry of image is the number of bit (max 7 bits) to 1 stored in NB_ENTRY_BIT.

nbentry = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    if ((1 << i) & NB_ENTRY_BIT)

Entries are image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format


Resource Header

+ 0x00:    FLAG            [DWORD]
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY_BIT    [DWORD]

Nb entry of image is the number of bit (max 4 bits) to 1 stored in NB_ENTRY_BIT.

nbentry = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    if ((1 << i) & NB_ENTRY_BIT)

Entries are image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format



Similar to ‘SLID’

+ 0x00:    FLAG            [DWORD]
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY_BIT    [DWORD]

Nb entry of image is the number of bit (max 6 bits) to 1 stored in NB_ENTRY_BIT.

nbentry = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    if ((1 << i) & NB_ENTRY_BIT)

Entries are image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format


Resource Header

+ 0x00:    FLAG            [DWORD]
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY_BIT    [DWORD]

Nb entry of image is the number of bit (max 5 bits) to 1 stored in NB_ENTRY_BIT.

nbentry = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    if ((1 << i) & NB_ENTRY_BIT)

Entries are image (SBPicture) stored in RAW or ZLIB format


Resource Header

+ 0x00:    PADDING_00      [DWORD] // unused
+ 0x04:    NB_ENTRY        [WORD]

Entries are in-game dialog stored in wide character string:

+ 0x00:    LENGTH          [WORD]
+ 0x02:    PATH_STR        [BYTE] * LENGTH * 2

Example (Texts.res)

00000000  53 52 45 53 00 01 00 00 6F 00 00 00 54 45 58 54  SRES....o...TEXT
00000010  00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 22 00 4C 00 51 00 75 00  ........".L.Q.u.
  • SIGNATURE = 0x53455253
  • Version = 0x100
  • Number of TYPE entry = 0x0000006F (111)

Example (Texts.res)

00000000  53 52 45 53 00 01 00 00 6F 00 00 00 54 45 58 54  SRES....o...TEXT
00000010  00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 22 00 4C 00 51 00 75 00  ........".L.Q.u.
00000020  27 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 2D 00 63 00 65 00 20 00  '.e.s.t.-.c.e. .
00000030  71 00 75 00 65 00 20 00 76 00 6F 00 75 00 73 00  q.u.e. .v.o.u.s.
00000040  20 00 66 00 61 00 69 00 74 00 65 00 73 00 20 00   .f.a.i.t.e.s. .
00000050  69 00 63 00 69 00 20 00 3F 00 20                 i.c.i. .?.
  • Signature Resource Type = 0x54584554
  • Index = 0x1000000 (16777216)
  • UNK_DWORD_00 = 0x01
  • Number of entry = 0x0022 (34)
  • First Entry length = 0x004C (76)
  • First Entry dialog = “Qu’est-ce que vous faites ici ? C’est ma ville ! Je suis arrive le premier !”
  • … etc …